Understanding Insurance Claims

Ways To Reduce The Costs Of SR-22 Insurance

If you are required to purchase SR-22 insurance, there is really no way around this requirement, but it does not mean that you have to overspend on this expense. SR-22 insurance is a high-risk type of auto insurance policy, often required for people with DUIs or other major driving violations, and this insurance usually costs more than regular auto insurance. If you need it, though, here are several ideas to consider that might help you cut your costs for it.

Bundle it

One of the easiest ways to save money on any insurance policy is by bundling. Bundling is simply the process of insuring everything you own on the same policy. This can include insuring several cars on the same policy or insuring your house and car through the same policy. You will often receive a discount on your policy by doing this.

Shop around

The second easiest thing to do is to shop around for your insurance coverage. By shopping around, you can compare the costs for quotes from different companies, and this allows you to choose the policy that is most affordable for the coverage you are getting.

Get a different vehicle or get rid of your vehicle

Another option you have is to get rid of your vehicle or purchase a different one. The premium you pay is not only based on the type of coverage you have, but it is also based on the value of the car you own. If you do not own a car, you could buy a non-owner SR-22 insurance policy, and this would cost less than insuring a car.

Avoid lapses and violations

Another good tip is to avoid lapses in your coverage, as these will increase costs and cause you to have to start over with the coverage time frame needed for your SR-22 coverage. Additionally, you should aim to avoid driving violations, as these will also increase your costs for the insurance coverage.

Take a defensive driving course

Finally, you should ask your insurance agent if you would benefit by taking a defensive driving course. This is a course designed to teach you better driving habits, and you might qualify for a discount if you complete a course like this.

If you use some of these ideas, you might be able to reduce the costs of your SR-22 insurance policy. You can learn more about SR-22 insurance and other insurance products by contacting an auto insurance company.
