Three Property Insurance Endorsements Worth Considering

Homeowner's insurance is a complex topic, and it can be easy to overlook potentially beneficial coverage options or to opt out of useful coverage to try to save a few dollars on your premiums. A typical property insurance policy will cover damage to a property's structure and contents against a variety of risks, but it may not be comprehensive enough for all homeowners. To expand basic coverage, insurance companies offer things that are commonly known as endorsements.

Pros And Cons Of Purchasing A Minimum-Coverage Only Auto Policy

The price you will pay for your auto insurance premiums will be based on many factors, but a big factor is the type of coverage you choose for your policy. The cheapest option you have is to pick a minimum-coverage only auto insurance policy, but before you do this, it is important to understand the pros and cons of having this type of policy. What a minimum-coverage policy is The first thing to understand before learning about the pros and cons is what a minimum-coverage only policy is in terms of auto insurance.

4 Things To Know About Homeowner's Insurance When Making A Home Purchase

Are you preparing to buy a house? If so, there will be some things you will need to do before you can close on the house and take possession, and one of these things involves purchasing homeowner's insurance for the house you are buying. As you work through the steps of buying a house, here are three things you should know about the homeowner's insurance you will need for your new house.

Why Nurses Need Their Own Malpractice Insurance

As a nurse, it is critical that you understand the importance of medical malpractice insurance to protect you in the event of any potential problems. Although most nurses dismiss the importance of medical malpractice insurance because their employers carry coverage, it is more important than you think to have malpractice insurance of your own. Here are a few things you should know. Your Employer's Coverage Protects Your Employer The first thing you need to understand is that any medical malpractice insurance coverage that your employer is extending to you is designed to protect your employer more than it is designed to protect you.

Six Mistakes That Could Unnecessarily Drive Up Commercial Truck Insurance Costs

Insurance costs are a significant expense for any commercial trucking operation. If you can bring down your insurance costs, your commercial trucking operation is going to make more money every year. Commercial trucking companies often make mistakes that unnecessarily drive up insurance costs. The following are six mistakes you can avoid to bring down your commercial trucking insurance costs: Failing to get numerous quotes from different companies There are many different companies out there that offer commercial trucking insurance.

Ways To Reduce The Costs Of SR-22 Insurance

If you are required to purchase SR-22 insurance, there is really no way around this requirement, but it does not mean that you have to overspend on this expense. SR-22 insurance is a high-risk type of auto insurance policy, often required for people with DUIs or other major driving violations, and this insurance usually costs more than regular auto insurance. If you need it, though, here are several ideas to consider that might help you cut your costs for it.

3 Things To Know About Liability Coverage With Auto Insurance

If you do not know a lot about car insurance, you might be very confused when the time comes to get a policy for your car. One thing the insurance agent will probably talk to you about is liability coverage. If you are not sure what this even is or what it means, it is important for you to find out so that you can make sure you have the right coverage on your policy.

Have A Hobby Farm? 3 Reasons You Should Carry Insurance On It

Hobby farms have become a big trend over the past decade. Hobby farms are farms that are much smaller than industrial farms. Hobby farms are usually dedicated to something specific, such as a beekeeping farm or a farm that grows organic berries. If you are running any type of small farm, you may need to carry insurance on it separate from your homeowner's insurance policy. #1 Homeowner's Insurance May Not Cover Your Farming Equipment

Worried You're At A Risk With A Bare Minimum Business Insurance Plan? Upgrade With These Coverage Options Now

Owning a business comes with a lot of expenses, but one area you don't want to pay for the minimum is the insurance. If you are currently getting by with bare minimum insurance options for your property, workers compensation and liability, security coverage and more, it's time to get serious. You want to talk with a small business insurance professional that can help you get the extra coverage you need against the following.