Risk Levels For Auto Insurance And Determining Which One You Are

The primary factor that affects the auto insurance rates you pay is your risk level. When insurance companies provide quotes for you, they determine what risk level you are and place you in a category. Most companies use three categories of risk levels. Here is an explanation of what the risk levels are and how you can determine which one you are. The Low-Risk Category If you have a clean driving record and no claims on file with any insurance policy you've had in the past, you might fall into the preferred risk category. [Read More]

Tips For Getting The Right Home Insurance For Your Condo

Are you in the process of buying a condo for the first time? If you are, you will need to also buy home insurance. This is something you must do when buying any type of house; however, buying homeowner's insurance for a condo is not exactly the same as buying homeowner's insurance for a single-family home. Therefore, here are several things you should know as you begin looking for the right insurance coverage for your new condo. [Read More]

Three Property Insurance Endorsements Worth Considering

Homeowner's insurance is a complex topic, and it can be easy to overlook potentially beneficial coverage options or to opt out of useful coverage to try to save a few dollars on your premiums. A typical property insurance policy will cover damage to a property's structure and contents against a variety of risks, but it may not be comprehensive enough for all homeowners. To expand basic coverage, insurance companies offer things that are commonly known as endorsements. [Read More]

Pros And Cons Of Purchasing A Minimum-Coverage Only Auto Policy

The price you will pay for your auto insurance premiums will be based on many factors, but a big factor is the type of coverage you choose for your policy. The cheapest option you have is to pick a minimum-coverage only auto insurance policy, but before you do this, it is important to understand the pros and cons of having this type of policy. What a minimum-coverage policy is The first thing to understand before learning about the pros and cons is what a minimum-coverage only policy is in terms of auto insurance. [Read More]